PSYB65H3 Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Notes

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26 Nov 2010

Document Summary

Module 2. 1: cells of the nervous system: neurons and glia: structure and function, communication within the neuron: the action potential, communication between neurons: the synapse, neurotransmitters. Module 2. 2: the nervous system: positional terms, divisions of the nervous system, the spinal cord, divisions of the brain, connections between the two halves of the brain, cranial nerves, blood supply, protections. N reacts and responds to stimuli; basis of behavior. Learns and stores information about their external environments. l lzk z2lzj to collect information and send it on (or not) N dendrites j receives incoming information from other neurons. N soma (cell body) j contains genetic machinery and most of the metabolic machinery needed for common cellular functions. N axon j sends neural information to other neurons. Information is passed from the axon to the dendrite through the synapse. Presynaptic j events that occur in the axon. Postsynaptic j events that occur in the dendrite: dendrites.

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