PSYB65H3 Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Textbook Notes

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17 Dec 2010

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targeting (how well you can throw an object at a target) spatial orientation (how well you can recognize items when they"re placed in different orientations or directions) spatial location memory (how well you can remember the location of objects) spatial visualization (how well you can imagine how well pieces of an object would go together) disembedding (how well you can find figures that are hidden within other pictures) spatial perception (how well you can determine where horizontal or vertical is in the real world even if you are given distracting information). Hemispheric representation of space right hemisphere is specialized for spatial processing. However, lesions to the left hemisphere or bilateral damage results in difficulties with spatial perception: depth perception: the ability to determine relative position of an object. local depth perception: is the ability to use detailed features of objects point by point to assess relative position (tell the distance between 2 points).

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