PSYB65H3 Chapter 13: Human Brain - Chapter 13.docx

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Chapter 13 neural development and developmental disorders. Beh changes often correspond with periods of brain growth/reorganization. Early in embryonic life [3 weeks] the neural plate forms from the ectoderm of the embryo. 3-5mnths of gestation > proliferation the cells of the neural tube within the ventricular zone are rapidly dividing. By day 40 > 3 bmps that eventuall form > forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain of. Cns cells also migrate from the interior ventricular zone to their final location by following certain types of glia. 2nd month > telencephalon undergoes tremendous growth > developing the cortical plate [as migration occurs > deepest layers of neuron develop first] Problems at an stage can cause sign impact on the final form of the brain. Spina bifida >a neural tube defect that is characterized by spinal cord defects; not necessarily fatal though it can vary in its severity: diff associated w/ locomotion rather than cogn.