PSYB65H3 Chapter 12: PSYB65 - Chapter 12 - Sep 13, 2010

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Evolutionary psychology attempts to apply the principles of adaptation and selection to human behaviour. How our environment has affected the development of our species as well as the specific demands and subsequent adaptations that evolved to deal with these challenges. the classification of organisms based on structure by carolus linnaeus, which he observed that there were commonalities in structure among related species. charles lyell and william smith supported the notion that the earth was far older than was previously thought. When changes occurred, they occurred in a predictable manner in the strata of the earth. thomas malthus observed that food supplies affect populations, similar to the evolutionary theory (survival of the fittest). He suggested that populations grow exponentially until they surpass their food supply, which leads to a struggle for existence. all individuals vary, which results in differences in morphology. These differences in morphology can be passed from one generation to the next.