PSYC12H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Cognitive Dissonance, Ageism, Industrial Revolution

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11 Apr 2017

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Butler (1969) coined the term ageism: stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination based on age (perceived or actual age of the target). Typically, ageism refers with respect to stereotyping and prejudice against older people, however, this is juvenile ageism, which is about stereotypes about young people. Our society tends to pro-youth and anti-aging; both young and older people have easy access to stereotypes about aging, but access to stereotypes about the young is more limited. In 1950s, some data suggests ageism is not a valid, reliable phenomenon, while others suggest it is valid. Equal number of researchers have indicated ageism exists in the u. s and that it doesn"t exist. People endorse two opposing impressions of older person because of subcategorization. Overall, more negative attitudes towards older people than toward younger in the u. s. society has far fewer positive terms for older people, which indicates ageism.

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