PSYC14H3 Chapter 7: book notes for chapter 7
Document Summary
Ethnocentrism leads people to assume that their own culture"s way of life are in some ways better or more natural than that of others (but it is not true). It is universal in terms of no person will reach level 3 without passing levels 1 and 2. It is not universal in terms of what levels different cultures reach. Ethic of autonomy: views morality in terms of individual freedom and rights violations. o. It is the code of ethics inherent in kohlberg"s model: there is emphasis on personal choice, right to engage in free contracts and individual liberty. www. notesolution. com. Ethic of divinity: concerned about the sanctity and the perceived natural order of things. o. Indians are more likely to resolve the conflict by fulfilling their interpersonal obligations than are americans (steal the ticket to go to their friend"s wedding on time). Indians were far more likely to view the interpersonal breaches in moral terms than were.