PSYC18H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Stimulus Modality, Ecological Validity, Waking Hours
Document Summary
Men roll their shoulders and raise their arms with exaggerated gestures to show off signs of their social status. Women smile coyly, they look askance, they flick their hair, and walk with arched back and swaying hips. Women and men gaze intently at each other, they express interest with raised eyebrows, singsong voice, melodious laughter, and subtle lip puckers and extended eye contact. Women and men touch each other with provocative brushes of the arm, pats on the shoulder, or non-accidental bumps against one another, looking for subtle signs of delight or disgust. The potential partners mirror each other"s glances, laughs, gazes, and postures, to assess their interest in one another. The more they mimic, the more likely they are to take the next step in. Five kinds of nonverbal behavior the romantic encounter: emblems: nonverbal gestures that directly translate to words. E. g. , the peace sign, and in the late 1960s, the raised, clenched fist to indicate black.