Document Summary
James-lange: emotion is the perception of changes of our body as we react to that fact. James suggested that our experience of many emotions is the set of changes of the autonomic nervous system, part of the nervous system supplies to inner organs like the heart, blood vessels, stomach and sweat glands. Impulsive emotions arise if there is no difficulty in attaining or avoiding an object: emotion of contention arise when there are difficulties in acting. Emotion is produced by arousal and appraisal: foster found that arousal increasing sexual attraction. When you are angry, you have a very clear sense of what: emotional disorders like depression and anxiety lasts for weeks you are angry about or even months, or years, trait: designate any long-lasting aspect of personality. Intrasexual competition: occurs within a sex for access to mates. Assumption that emotions have no rational basis: emotions are states of readiness to act.