PSYC18H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Autonomic Nervous System, Sympathetic Nervous System, Asphyxia

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4 Nov 2018

Document Summary

William james located the origins of emotional experience in the body. For him the sequence was: event bodily response perception. Ja(cid:373)es"s a(cid:374)al(cid:455)sis of e(cid:373)otio(cid:374)s poi(cid:374)ts to th(cid:396)ee (cid:395)uestio(cid:374)s: Autonomic nervous system: maintains the internal condition of the body to enable adaptive response to varying environmental events. Parasympathetic system: helps with restorative processes, reducing heart rate and blood pressure and directing inner resources to digestive processes. Sympathetic system: increases heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac output and shuts down digestive processes to help the individual to engage in physically demanding actions. T(cid:449)o ki(cid:374)ds of pote(cid:374)tial suppo(cid:396)t fo(cid:396) ja(cid:373)es"s (cid:272)lai(cid:373)s (cid:396)ega(cid:396)di(cid:374)g auto(cid:374)o(cid:373)i(cid:272) spe(cid:272)ifi(cid:272)it(cid:455) and emotion: There are over a dozen distinct autonomic pathways that activate different regions of the body, so different emotions could potentially be involved with distinct pathways in the autonomic nervous system. There are many different ways in which components of the autonomic system could combine.

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