PSYC18H3 Chapter 1: Chapter 1 textbook notes on Understanding Emotions
Document Summary
N over 2000 years, many have argued that emotions are base and destructive. N more novel reaches of human nature are achieved when passions are controlled by reasons. N perils of particular emotions: anger as destructive to the self and to social relations. N emotions as having important functions especially in our social lives. N expression of the emotions in man and animals. N humans as being descended from other species: we are not only closer to animals than had been thought, but we ourselves are animals. N concluded that emotional expressions derive largely from habits that in our evolutionary or individual past had once been useful: analogous triggers of habits ex: tears that do not function to lubricate eyes. When adults cry, they still secrete tears but have no longer any protective function. N argued against the idea that when we feel an emotion, it impels us to a certain kind of activity.