PSYC18H3 Chapter 5: Chapter 5 book notes - Understanding Emotions

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17 Feb 2011

Document Summary

N ,2,208%04741249432::8 bodily changes (ans) emotional experience: contended that an emotionally exciting fact provokes bodily responses, which in turn lead to the experience of emotion. N most general function is to maintain the internal condition of the body, to enable adaptive response to varying environmental events. N parasympathetic helps with restorative processes, reducing heart rate and bp and increasing digestive processes: constricts pupil and bronchioles. Two different parts of the spinal cord: the vagus nerve, at the top of the spinal cord, and in the sacral region near the bottom of the spinal cord. N assessment of the galvanic skin response (or sweat response) N he proposed instead that bodily changes are produced by the brain and that they are similar during different emotions such as anger and fear. N arousal response includes release of the hormone adrenaline.