PSYC39H3 Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Notes
Document Summary
Domestic violence: any violence occurring between family members. In 1980"s woman"s liberation movement and growth of feminism gave women courage to speak out against such violence. Jane (stafford) hurshman-corkum case in nova scvotia brough plight of abused woman to the forefront. Intimate partner violence, a. k. a spousal abuse: any violence occurring between intimate partners who are living together or separated. Includes: physical (hitting, punching, stabbing, burning, sexual (funny but no examples were given here, too taboo to even exemplify?) Financial (restricting access to personal funds, forcing complete financial responsibility: emotional abuse (verbal attacks, degradation, threats to hurt family members or pets) The conflict tactic scale (cts): most commonly used to measure domestic assault: measures how person resolves conflict, found that male and female report same frequency and severity of violent behavior. Is domestic violence invariably male-initiated: no, same amount of male to female violence, only women engage in more minor violence.