PSYC62H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Cannabis Use Disorder, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Cannabis Ruderalis
Document Summary
Cannabis indica tends to have a relatively greater concentration of cannabidiol compared to 9-thc, although 9- Hashish and hashish oils contain greater concentrations of 9-thc than other preparations: herbal marijuana alternatives (commonly referred to as synthetic marijuana) such as k2 and spice contain laboratory synthesized cannabinoid receptor agonists such as the compound win52212-2. Methods of cannabis preparation: can be administered orally or by inhaling. Inhaling second-hand cannabis smoke also achieves psychoactive levels of 9-thc in the body, possibly leading to a contact high: 50% of 9-thc releases into smoke from lit cannabis. Most of 9-thc absorbs into the blood stream and reaches the brain after a few minutes. The half-life makes 9-thc detectable for as long as 30 days after ceasing repeated used. After release, 2-ag returns to the neuron through the same transporters used for anadamide. The enzyme monoacylglycerol lipase breaks down 2-ag into active components.