PSYB45H3 Chapter : PSYB45.docx

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Establishing operation incentive to make reinforcement more favorable. Perform task yourself and record each component responses best way. Each step to task analysis has a sd and response. Backward chaining use prompting and fading to teach the last behavior in the chain first; by starting at last behavior the learner complete the chain on every learning trial. Always use least intrusive prompt necessary to get behaviour to occur. Praise at each stage becomes reinforce for response makes the outcome of each step a conditioned reinforce as well as the sd the next response. Forward chaining present first sd, prompt correct response, provide reinforcer, then fade prompts until first response is engaged without any prompts when sd is presented. After first response creates second sd, prompt second response and provide reinforcer after it occurs. Must reinforce after each response because do not get natural reinforcer at the end of the chain until you train last component.