SOCA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Expert System, Meritocracy, Post-Structuralism
Document Summary
One theme which runs through these theories is power. Western marxism refers to more independent and critical forms of marxism that those practiced by the more dogmatic soviet and chinese regimes. The rule of dominant class involves ideological control and consent. A(cid:271)se(cid:374)t f(cid:396)o(cid:373) his a(cid:374)al(cid:455)sis (cid:449)as a (cid:272)o(cid:374)side(cid:396)atio(cid:374) of the (cid:396)uli(cid:374)g (cid:272)lass"s su(cid:271)tle (cid:455)et i(cid:374)sidious. Hegemony is a process that is constantly negotiated and renegotiated. Hegemony is not static, and as such, the ruling class cannot take it for granted. Gramsci separated the superstructure into the state and civil society. consent secured by ruling class is an active consent: he focused on the role that civil society plays in establishing hegemony. Television show will and grace featured 2 gay men and 2 heterosexual women. The show did not challenge heterosexual hegemony of the ruling class. Focus was directed towards issue of equality, both social and political, between men and women.