SOCA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Cultural Capital, Economic Inequality, Social Inequality

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19 Dec 2012

Document Summary

Social stratification; refers to the way in which society is organized in layers or strata. Seen in movies about shipwrecks where people are swept of all forms of privilege and convention. Purchasing power of families rose because: economic productivity increased as workers skills and technologies improved, large numbers of women entered the paid labour force starting in the early 1960s. Income inequality hasn"t changed much between 1951 and 2008. United states has the highest inequality gap and denmark has the lowest. Canada is known as a welfare state because it implies that it takes money from the rich to give to the poor. Some people have a genetic gift that allows them to have high paying jobs (acting, athletes, singers) some people have genetic disability that doesn"t allow them to have high paying jobs (autism, down syndrome). Most people don"t have a job altering genetic ability.

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