SOCA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Delayed Gratification, Kuznets Curve, Deindustrialization

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8 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Blaming the system: a perspective that holds that systematic discrimination exists within the social system. Blaming the victim: a perspective that holds individuals responsible for the negative conditions in which they live. Caste system: an ascribed system of hereditary class designation. Class structure: a society"s economic hierarchy that categorizes groups of people based on their socioeconomic status. Classism: an ideology that suggests that people"s relative worth is at least partly determined by their social and economic status. Closed system: a social system in which status is based on attribute ascribed at birth. Conspicuous leisure: the demonstration of one"s high social status through forms of leisure. Conspicuous consumption: the purchase of expensive goods simply because they are valuable, not because there is any innate satisfaction in them. Conspicuous waste: the disposal of valuable goods to demonstrate wealth. Culture of poverty: a fatalistic belief system held by the poor as an adaptation of systematic discrimination.

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