SOCA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Glooscap, Solidarity, Industrial Revolution

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New brunswick 1950 common for aboriginal women to be hired to clean homes. Aboriginal creator of the world gluskap. The new world a native population, rich in resource. European rulers wanted to control the new world to increase their power and importance. Christians see new world to spread their religion. Our new world is one of instant long-distant communication, global economies and cultures, weakening nation-states, and technological advances that often make the daily news seem like reports from a distant planet. Aids is now the leading cause of death in africa. 500 years ago, the early european explorers of north and south america set themselves the task of mapping the contours of the new world. Their maps our geographical and ours are sociological. Sociological maps wright mills allows us to grasp the interplay of people and society, of biography and history. Sociological research has been motivated by a desire to improve the social world.

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