SOCA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 19: Symbolic Interactionism, Neurosis, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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1 Aug 2018

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India is lowest with 64 years + lesotho is shortest at 41 years: difference between life expectancies: canada at 81 years looses 2 years, lesotho looses 49 years. The social causes of illness and death: 1. Human-environmental factors: divisions in society = different surrounding, eg. Sour gas swells and lodging operations in the reserves of the lubicon first nation in. Alberta resulted in illnesses: these industries tend to be located near first nations, politically marginalized and visible minority groups, 2. Lifestyle factors: smoking, excessive use of alcohol and drugs, poor diet, lack of exercise and social isolation. = poor health, early death: in canada 50,000 deaths a year are caused by smoking/tobacco --> 1/5 of deaths in the world, unmarried = shorter life (depression --> illness, 3. Industrialized countries developed public-health systems in mid-19th century healthcare: infant mortality - the number of deaths before the age of one for every 1000 live births in a population in one year.

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