SOCA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Norc At The University Of Chicago, Contingency Table, Sampling Frame

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8 Dec 2013

Document Summary

Most iq and sat tests ask you to find patterns in sequences of letters, and you learn certain ways of solving these problems. Adgj, there are two missing letters between each adjoining pair. Insert the missing letters and you get the first 10 letters of the alphabet: a(bc)d(ef)g(hi)j. (answer: spell out the numbers 1 to 10. ) Experience helps determine how we perceive reality, including what patterns we see and whether we can see patterns at all. There are two levels of experience (concrete and abstract) You obtain concrete experience by seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and hearing. The parts of concrete experience are percepts , which form patterns when aggregated. For example, a single dot on a page is a percept, while a collection of dots constitutes a pattern. First, this is the level of experience you share with all other living creatures. Second, the concrete level of experience is meaningless by itself ( everything needs a reason/ meaning)

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