SOCA01H3 Chapter 11: Chapter 11
Document Summary
Intersexed infants are babies born with ambiguous genitals because of a hormone imbalance in the womb or some other cause. Your sex depends on whether you were born with distinct male or female genitals and a genetic program that released either male of female hormones to stimulate the development of your reproductive system. l 7zlzof belonging to, a particular sex j biologically, psychologically, and socially. A gender role is the set of behaviours associated with widely shared expectations about how males and females are supposed to act. Heterosexuality is the preference for members of the opposite sex as sexual partners. Oedipus complex: young boys become preoccupied with their penis, he unconsciously develops a fantasy of sexually possessing the most conspicuous female in his like; his mother. Electra complex: girls have penis envy, but eventually realizing that she will never have a penis she comes to identify herself with her mother.