SOCA01H3 Chapter Notes -Basic Norm, Impression Management, Social Exchange Theory

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Feminist theory, emotions, and the building blocks of social interaction: An experiment was done and they found out that: women laugh more than men in everyday conversations, discrepancy: when the speaker is the woman and the listener is the man. When the speaker is the man, the woman is more likely to laugh: men are more likely to interrupt others and engage in long monologues, men are less likely to ask for directions or help. Implies a reduction in their authority: male-female conflicts results from these differences ^ If both parties remain firm in their positions = argument. Social interaction: involves people communicating face to face or via computer and acting and reacting in relation to other people. The building blocks that structure all social interactions are: status: refers to a recognized social position an individual can occupy. Men have a higher status = they get more laughs.

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