SOCA01H3 Chapter : McDonald's

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7 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Service organizations try to find the most effective and least costly ways to get people to act in the organization"s interests. Organizations that routinize work exert primarily by closing off choices (by their workers, customers, etc. Mcdonald"s success is due to its uniformity and predictability all around the globe (ex: bigmacs taste the same in every country) Mcdonald"s employs about half a million people, 7% of all current us workers have worked at mcdonald"s at some time. The extreame standardization of mcdonald"s products, and its workersm is closely tied to its marketing (spending a whopping . 1 billion in 1989) Highly specialized technology such as self operating fryers and touch screen computers have made human decisions limited (the computer system takes care of each employee"s sales and mishaps as well as keeps track of inventory) Qsc: quality, service and cleanliness is the goal that was first set out by ray. Kroc, the man who began the hamburger business.

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