SOCA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 19: Medicalization, Sub-Saharan Africa, Ethnomedicine
Document Summary
The black death: epidemic spread along trade routes in 1346 called black death killed 1/3 of. 2) health problems change over time: no special qualifications were required to administer medical treatment, life expectancy: avg age @ death of the members of a population. Leading causes of death: in 1901 tuberculosis; in 2001 cancer, heart disease, stroke. Life expectancy has ed @ a steady rate of 2. 5% per decade. Life expectancy < 50 years countries in sub-saharan africa; highest in japan 82. 8 years: canadian avg human life span: 80. 7, [canadians being deprived of 2 yrs of life b/c of avoidable social causes] Es life expectancy: there is a +ve association b/w national wealth & good health. B/c: 1) gap b/w rich & poor is greater in u. s. than in can & japan i. In general, the the level of inequality, the more unhealthy the pop is.