SOCA01H3 Chapter : Stratification Textbook Lengthy.docx

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Social inequality can be compared to a shipwreck. His hard work turns the island into a thriving colony. Believed that people get rich if they possess virtues of good business people. Rich woman treats deckhands rudely, gets shipwrecked w/ one of them, they fall in love but when they are rescued they return to how they were before. At first, the theme is that class differences are important. As the tragedy unfolds a different theme emerges. Under some circumstances, class differences can be erased. Therefore it can be an optimistic tale that holds out hope for society in which class differences no longer matter ( american dream ) Idea that money is power is a perennial theme everything has a price . Thus selling of sperm, ova, and blood is more common. Global organ shortage has encouraged the sale of organs, esp. in india. People selling body parts are almost invariably poor.

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