SOCA01H3 Chapter 1: chapter 1 for soca01
Document Summary
durkheim proved that suicide was strongly influenced by social forces. I t wasn"t only an act of depression from a psychological disorder. discovered that more women than men were put in mental asylums. believed suicide rates varied because of different levels of social solidarity. social solidarity degree to which group members share beliefs and values; intensity and frequency of their interaction with the outside world. The more people interacted with each other, the more secure/firm in a social world, an individual would be. married adults are half as likely than single adults to commit suicide. women are less likely to commit suicide than men because women are more involved with their social relations and show their emotions easier. youths don"t participate in their religious activities as much as before, meaning they don"t share the same morals as their family. unemployment for youths is very common and stressful.