SOCA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Random Assignment, Sampling Frame, Convenience Sampling

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9 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Soca02- chapter 2- how sociologists do research (compass: experience helps determine how we perceive reality; it filters the perception of reality- this is a big problem in sociological research. 10 types of non-scientific thinking: knowledge based on tradition. Science is required to separate valid from invalid knowledge: knowledge based on authority. We often think something is true because we read it in an authoritative source: knowledge based on causal observation, knowledge based on overgeneralization, knowledge based on selective observation. We unconsciously ignore evidence that challenges our firmly held beliefs: knowledge based on qualification. These can be known as exceptions to the rule: knowledge based on illogical reasoning, knowledge based on ego- defence. I just can"t be wrong. : knowledge based on premature closure of inquiry. In science, matters are never settled; theories are only temporarily t rue. www. notesolution. com: knowledge based on mystification.

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