SOCB26H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Blue-Collar Worker, Numeracy, Human Capital
Document Summary
Lower and higher than one another, linking that hierarchy to better or worse opportunities in education or job markets: links between school attainment and life chances are strengthening in canada, streaming: Splitting students into ability groups, usually with a. Higher one going to university and a lower one going to college or the workforce. Upper level exposed to advanced maths, and great literary works. Lower level focus on the basic skills of literacy, numeracy, and practical workplace skills. Institutionalized social mechanism that shapes the student"s educational and labour market options: stratification is a major issue. Some educators want to abandon it because it can stigmatize students and lower their expectations. Others think it is necessary to an extent because students have different abilities. Want a simple sorting of university or college that would occur as late as possible during high school. Still people who want it fully, thinking that school levels should follow the different abilities of students.