ANT100Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Agnosticism, Mendelian Inheritance, Gregor Mendel
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Primatology- the scientific study of our closest extant biological relatives: non-human primate species. Species single distinct class of living creature with features that distinguish it from other living creatures. Paleoanthropology: multidisciplinary study of biological evolution of humans and non-human. Studies fossils, cultural activities, disease, etc. history between human and non-human primates. Ancient primates evolved and went extinct due to geological and biological processes. Anthropologists- human variation to determine special and temporal variations in human features. Despite human variations we are all one species, homo sapien. Medical anthro- study how social, environmental and biological factors influence health and illness of individuals at community, regional, national and global levels, - addition to evolutionary anthro. Forensic anthro: skeletal remains of humans to determine age, sex, stature, trauma and disease if any. Casual: looking for the things that cause something to happen or change. Applied: (medical and forensic anthros) means by which a specific need can be met.