ANT100Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Sociocultural Anthropology, Franz Boas, Linguistic Anthropology
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Sociocultural anthropology: an anthropological approach that retains the british focus on social anthropology at the same time as it adds the american focus on culture to produce something slightly different from either one. Sociocultural anthropologists find patterns of meaning even in objects as simple as a classroom chair. (ie purpose, context, use) The term anthropology comes from two greek words: anthropos, meaning human beings, and logia, meaning. The study of or the knowledge of. (everything humans do or have done in the past) Anthropology also includes collecting evidence of how and when we became human and comparing humans to other organisms in the world. Bronislaw malinowski: observing from the native s point of view . Subdisciplines are biological anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and sociocultural anthropology or cultural anthropology: biological anthropology , oldest of the four subdisciplines, focuses on human beings as one of a great multitude of organisms that inhabit the earth.