BIO120H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Genetic Drift, Secondary Sex Characteristic, Sexual Selection

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Bio120 lab 1 notes chapter 1 insect diversity and adaptation (1. 1 1. 7) In this lab, we will see species of insects that have evolved adaptations and traits that contribute to fit ness by increasing chances of survival and reproduction. All living forms have descended from a common ancestor on earth at least 3. 5 billion years ago. 1. 9 million species of living organisms have been identified, over half of them are insects. The estimated value of eventual identified species is 5 to 11 million. A trait (characteristic) that contributes to fitness by improving survival and reproduction rates is an adaptation: adaptations can be physical features or behavioural features. Adaptation has two meanings: an adaptation (noun) is a trait, to adapt (verb) and adaptation (noun) refer to the evolutionary process which traits arise. Darwin"s 1859 on the origin or species, a mechanism for the process of adaptation is proposed.