BIO120H1 Chapter 2: Lecture/ Chapter 2 Study Notes
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What da rwin saw: the evidence for evolution. Lessons from geology: the earth is very old, allows immense amount of time for biological evolution. 2: fossils in younger strata increasingly resemble modern species in same region, while older strata. Evidence from domestication: maize (sweet corn) and teosinte (ancestor) teosinte to sweet corn in matter of thousands of years, not that long a, early people crushed seeds and ate them, vast amounts of heritable variation found in species. 3: darwin didn"t exactly understand heritable variation this variation can be selected on, leading to dramatic changes over generations. Vestigial characters in humans: ear muscles- mammals move their eyes for sound, appendix- monkey uses it to break down leaves, tailbone-evolved from fish (humans have gills in the fetus, goosebumps-animals raise their fur when scared. Current evidence that darwin couldn"t know about is about our olfactory genes (sense of smell).