BIO120H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Net Reproduction Rate, Population Ecology, Logistic Function
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Introduction to population ecology: a taste of theory. Population size: the number of individual organisms in a population - n. It is hard to calculate the size and decide the boundary. Carried out on small islands or in lab condition. Natural habitats: population size fall into two categories: Insects pest in agriculture - economic cost. Just need to estimate if it"s going to be big. As time goes by - modeling population changes through time. Population modeling can be broken down into two math styles: Deterministic- outcome completely determined by the starting conditions and the fixed parameters (constants) Limitation: these models have to be simple to be analytically soluble. Easy to make them stochastic rather than deterministic. A large number of runs - collection of trajectories. Modeling populations without limits: exponential and geometric growth. Charles darwin - all species can more than replace themselves. Growing at a constant, greater than replacement rate leads to explosive growth.