HIS243H1 Chapter : Readings for Sept 26

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13 Oct 2011

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Readings for week of sept 26: renaissance humanism. Roman buildings- temples, arcades, baths, amphitheatres, the aqueducts, the porticos, the palaces- almost nothing remains of the ancient city. Sad lament/mourning over the ruins of rome- how it used to be glorious. Concerns itself around the architecture of the old city, shows that he is educated by explaining what all the ruins exactly are- shows he knows what he is talking about. Rome is the victim of fortune resulting in the fall of rome. Men are themselves the source of their own fortune and misfortune. The power of gaining praise, wealth, and reputation should be attributed to fortune rather than to ability. Says he will use this to instruct his family. Raise issues between human agency and supernatural forces- also will be important when talking about religion. Alberti, self-portrait of the universal man p 480.

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