POL200Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter Study Questions: Noble Lie, Proletariat, Bourgeoisie
Document Summary
The firs ci y in speech of he rep blic, he "ci y of mos necessi y" emerges from socra es" conversa ion wi h adeiman s (369a-372d), and adeiman s seems sa isfied wi h his idyllic way of life so free of ro bles. Gla con, on he o her hand, is deeply dissa isfied wi h i . I "s impor an o consider precisely where gla con in err p s as he does. Does i seem pla sible o yo ha fido ( he dog, no he phone) sho ld serve as he model for. In his case, spiri edness means having a gen le, j s persona, where he g ardian m s be res rained and mild o heir own people and harsh o heir enemies, as his will ens re ideal life wi hin he ci y ha hey r le.