PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Olfactory Bulb, Visual Cortex, Optic Chiasm
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Sensation = the sense organs" responses to external stimuli and the transmission of these responses to the brain. Perception = the processing, organization, and interpretation of sensory signals; it results in an internal representation of the stimulus. Transduction = a process by which sensory receptors produce neural impulses when they receive physical or chemical stimulation. Absolute threshold = the minimum intensity of stimulation that must occur before you experience a sensation. Difference threshold = the just noticeable difference between two stimuli; the minimum amount of change required to detect a difference. Signal detection theory = a theory on perception based on the idea that the detection of a faint stimulu requires a judgment it is not an all-or-none process. Sensory adaptation = the decrease in sensitivity to a constant level of stimulation. Taste buds = sensory receptors that transduce taste information. When you bite into something, molecules dissolve in fluid on your tongue.