PSY100H1 Chapter 7: Psychology Chapter 7.docx
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Said we automatically identify primitive features, such as colour, shape, orientation. Parallel processing attend selectively to one feature by effectively blocking the further processing of others. Visual search task=displaying objects on a computer screen. Distractors= are the other objects auditory attention allows. Talking on a cellphone while driving is more hazardous than talking with a passenger in a car while driving. You can focus on a single conversation in a chaotic cocktail party but a particular stimulus like hearing your name being called or hearing interesting gossip can capture your attention. Shadowing is a selective-listening study developed by cherry. Person wears headphones and listens to two messages, one in each ear, and is to shadow either one of the two by saying it out loud. Assumed that people have a limited capacity for sensory information, letting only the important information in.