PSY100H1 Chapter 2: Chapter 2 notes from textbook
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Angelo mosso began studying relationship b/w mind and brain by examining how mental activity affects flow of blood to brain assumed brain was responsible for thoughts, feelings, emotions, then mental activity should affect how brain functions. Scientific inquiry: what happens, when it happens, what causes it to happen, why it happens. Empirical questions: questions that can be answered by observing and measuring the world around us: reflects a dynamic interaction b/w 3 essential elements: S theory jidea/model of how smthing in the world works. S hypothesis j what should be observed if theory is correct. S research j systematic and careful collecting of data to examine or test. Experimental, correlational, descriptive: operational definitions: [to define variables in precise ways] quantify the variables in order to measure them. Validity: whether data addresses question; valid data provides clear and unambiguous info from which to evaluate theory or hypothesis.