PSY100H1 Chapter 5: ch. 5 textbook notes - only important things you should know for test
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The way we experience our world is often divided into two parts: perception, sensation: sensation: how our sense organs respond to and detect external stimulus energy and how those responses get transmitted to brain, 9. z2lz k z zl an internal rep of stimuli and a conscious experience of a world. How do we sense our worlds: sensory organs convert forms of physical energy into signals brain understands, stimuli must be coded to be understood by the brain. S transduction: the process where receptors are specialized neurons in the sense organs that pass impulses to connecting neurons when they receive some sort of physical or chemical stimulation. N most sensory info passes to thalamus sends info to cortex, where incoming neural impulses are interpreted as sight, smell, sound, touch, or taste. S sensory coding can be divided into 2 categories: N psychophysics: examines our psychological experiences of physical stimuli.