PSY100H1 Chapter Notes -Auditory Cortex, Postcentral Gyrus, Retinal Ganglion Cell
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Sensation: sense organ"s detection of & response to external stimuli and how those responses are transmitted to the brain. Perception: brain"s further processing of signals which results in internal representation of stimuli: what we sense is a result of brain processes that construct perceptual experience & allow us to adapt to our environment"s details. Sensory coding: sensory organs" translation of stimuli"s physical properties into neural impulses: transduction: sensory receptors pass impulses to connecting neurons when the receptor receives stimulation. Signal detection theory: detection of faint stimuli requires judgment (all-or-none) Chapter 5: sensation and perception (pages 187 239: research: hit, false alarm, miss, correct rejection, response bias: report detecting signal in an ambiguous trial. Sensory adaptation: decrease in sensitivity to constant level of stimuli: basic sensory processes, taste (gustation), taste buds (papillae), (5 types) Supertasters dislike bitter substance & have 6x taste buds.