PSY100H1 Chapter 1: facts from chapter 1

PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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*neurotransmitter: communicate msgs btw nerve cells: mind is adaptive, shaped by evolution. *evolutionary theory: emphasize the inherited, adaptive value of behavior and mental activity throughout the entire history. *amusia: a condition which people lose the ability to recognize familiar tunes; there are specific regions to process music. : relevant to mood: nature-nurture debate: many psychologists now believe mental disorder is a mix of nature and nurture factors www. notesolution. com (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:0, mind-body problem: whether mind and body are separate. Leoanrdo da vinci: dissection, all sensory messages arrive at the middle region of the brain common sense. 10. gestalt theory (max wertheimer): the whole is different from the sum of parts rely on the observations of ordinary people the mind perceive the world in an organized way that cannot be broken down into its constituent elements. 13. cognitive psychology: concerned with higher-order mental functions join forces with neuroscientists, computer scientists and philosophers cognitive neuroscience www. notesolution. com.