PSY100H1 Chapter 14: Chapter 14
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Treating mental disorders of m ind and body. How is mental i llness treated? (-psychotherapy is the name given to formal psychological treatment. Biological therapy is treatment based the medical approach to illness and disease) Psychodynamic therapy focuses on insight psychotherapy is generally aimed at changing patters of thought or behavior, though the ways in which such changes are effected candiffer dramatically. There is over 400 approaches to this treatment. Today, many practitioners use eclectic mix of techniques based on what they believe is best for the client s particular condition. Psychodynamic therapy focuses on insight: sigmund freud was one of the first to develop psychological treatments. He believed mental disorders were caused by prior traumatic experiences. Josef breur developed the method of psychoanalysis where the patient lay on a couch with the therapist sitting out of view in order to reduce the patients inhibitions and allow freer access to the unconscious thought process.