PSY100H1 Chapter Notes -Equal Opportunity, Scientific Literacy
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* in canada, all institutions that engage in research with humans are required to have a research ethics board. > a committee of researchers and officials at an institution charged with the protection of human research participants. * informed consent - a potential volunteer must be informed and give consent without pressure. 6, steps that researchers have taken to minimise those risks. * deception - misleading or only partially informing participants of the true topic or hypothesis under investigation. * these things are given in the experiment. * after the experiment, participants must undergo full debriefing - meaning that the researchers should explain the true nature of and reason for the deception. * anonymity means the data collected during a research study cannot be connected to individual participants. * the primary goal of developing animal models of a neurological condition is to stimulate the characteristics of a disease so that researchers can test possible treatments without harming humans.