PSY100H1 Chapter Notes -Psychological Science, Psychology Today, Deeper Understanding
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The goal for psychology today is to understand people by considering both: individual factors e. g. how a person"s brain processes information about others contextual factors e. g. how societal beliefs shape how we behave toward other ppl. Ultimate ambition is to explain behavior in real-life contexts, from its most fundamental aspects: biological, individual, social. Psychological science is the study of mind, brain, and behavior: Mind: refers to mental activity, such as thoughts and feelings: e. g. perceptual experiences (sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch, memories, thinking about what to have for lunch. Mental activity results from biological processes within the brain. For now, mind is what the brain does . It is the physical brain that enables the mind. Behavior: a wide variety of actions, from subtle to complex, that occur in organisms from ants to humans. For many years, focused on behavior rather than on mental states because had few objective techniques for assessing the mind (technology was bad).