PSY100H1 Chapter Notes -Torsten Wiesel, Empirical Process, David H. Hubel
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A good theory produces wide variety of testable hypothesis. Only children at certain age/stage able to see all equal studies in psycho science have subsequently show some aspects of this theory were wrong. Begins with question, designs and conducts study to answer the question. Whether study is useful answer depends on how well it is designed. Skepticism: being wary of subjective beliefs, such as intuition, that can be biased. Intuition helps guide scientific questions, not answers! to answer, follow objective systematic procedures. Science assumes that world works in orderly fashion based on physical laws: gravity, Bernoulli principle explains how aircraft can fly. all fields share general approach, scientific method: an objective examination of the natural world, has four goals. Essence of scientific inquiry: fully understanding a phenomenon by examining it at many different levels of analysis. Scientific inquiry: the study of empirical questions questions that can be answered by observing and measuring the world around us.