PSY100H1 Chapter Notes -Addiction, Tabula Rasa, Fear Conditioning
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Learning: an enduring change in behavior that results from experience. Conditioning: environmental stimuli and some sort of behavioral response become connected. Classical conditioning: occurs when we learn that two types of events go together, such as walking in rain and wetness. Operant conditioning: when we learn that a behavior leads to a particular outcome, such as studying leads to better grades. Rise of learning theory came because dissatisfied with use of verbal reports to assess mental states (freudian ideas dream analysis, free association) Watson thought overt behavior only valid indicator of psychological activity. Started school of behaviorism: based on belief humans and animals are born with potential to learn anything. Based on john locke"s idea of tabula rasa blank slate. Ivan pavlov: won nobel prize for his work on digestive system salivary reflex created apparatus that collected saliva from dogs started with simple observation: noticed one day dogs salivated when technician walked in.