PSY100H1 Chapter Notes -Visual Cortex, Syllogism, Temporal Lobe
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For the most part, our thinking is adaptive. e. g. develop rules for making fast decisions in everyday life. Cognitive psychology was first based on the notion that the brain represents information and that act of thinking (cognition) is directly associated with manipulating these representations. Mental images are analogical representations (take on picture like qualities) Experiment (kosslyn): analogical representations activate the primary visual cortex. Experiment (farah): patient with damage to temporal cortex was deficient in calling up mental images but not at spatial tasks. Ability to use spatial info is tied to maturation of child"s nervous system. The representation of picture in mind"s eye parallels that which was in our brain the first time we saw the picture. Seattle is but even if have analogical representation of map, symbolic knowledge tells you canada is north. Grouping things together based on shared properties, categorization, reduces the amount of information we need to store in memory and is an efficient way of thinking.