PSY100H1 Chapter 13: Chapter 13- Disorder of the Mind - Textbook Reading
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Chapter 13 - disorder of the mind and body. Many behaviours that are considered normal in one setting might be considered deviant in other settings. S axis 1 j clinical disorders and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention (e. g. schizophrenia) S axis 2 j mental retardation and personality disorders. S axis 3 j general medical conditions that may be relevant to mental disorders (e. g. epilepsy) S axis 4 j psychosocial and environmental problems that might affect the diagnosis treatment and prognosis of mental disorders (e. g. legal problems etc. ) S axis 5- global assessment of function scale rated from 1 to 100 (1 danger of hurting self or others or 100 meaning superior functioning in a wide range of areas) Interviewer must express empathy, build rapport quick, and non judgemental. Structured vs. unstructured interview: unstructured interview topics of discussion varying as the interview probes different.