PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13-16: Psychosis, Social Loafing, Prefrontal Cortex
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Whole persons: what makes each person unique. Broaden-and-build theory: positive emotions prompt people to consider novel solutions to problems | resilient people draw on positive emotions in dealing with negative situations. Eysenck"s hierarchical model of personality: introversion/extroversion, emotional stability, psychoticism. Five-factor theory: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism (ocean) Internal vs. external locus of control (whether rewards are controlled by oneself or fate) Personality refers to both unique and common characteristics. Idiographic approaches: person-centered, central and secondary traits, case studies: projective measures: ink blot test, tat (ambiguous picture) Nomothetic approaches: common traits: objective measures: neo personality inventory, california q-sort. People who have known you for a long time across a wide range of circumstances know you better than you know yourself. Behaviour is influenced by the interaction of personality and situations. Temperaments, activity level (energy), emotionality, sociability, are predictive of adult behaviours. Basic tendencies: dispositional traits determined by biological processes.