PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 12.3: Anal Retentiveness, Genital Stage, Defence Mechanisms
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Freud"s observation and ideas coalesced into psychodynamic theory. Assumption: personality and behaviour are shaped by powerful forces in consciousness, a great deal of which is hidden from our awareness in the mysterious unconscious. Conscious mind: your current awareness, containing everything you are ware right now. Unconscious mind: a much more vast and powerful but inaccessible part of your consciousness, operating without your conscious endorsement or will to influence and guide your behaviours. The relationship is described a an iceberg. Unconscious mind is the primary driver of our behaviours. E. g. the slip of the tongue freudian slip . Freud hypothesized the human psyche consists of three basic structures: Id: the collection of basic biological drives, including those directed toward sex and aggression (what we want to do) Fuelled by energy called libido, (not only controls sex but also hunger, thirst) Id operates according to the pleasure principle. Superego: comprised of our values and moral standards.